1. Legal information

The name of the company that has published the website is Dixie Lab, an Non-Profit Organization (under France’s 1901 law), registered with the Paris Police Headquarters under number W751236869, and with the Companies Registry under number 825 263 205 00015.

The registered office is located at 96 Rue René Boulanger 75010 Paris France.

The site is hosted by Github, domain provided by OVH.

2. Personal data protection policy

Users’ personal data may be collected when users contact the company to request any further information.

Under Article 34 of the French Information and Privacy Act of January 6, 1978, users have the right to access, modify, correct, and delete any information pertaining to them.

Under Article 39 et seq. of French Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended in 2004 on information technology, files and privacy, any person may receive and, where applicable, correct or delete any information pertaining to him/her by sending a letter to 96 Rue René Boulanger 75010 Paris or by emailing

3. Content access

Access to the Dixie Lab website is free. Accessing and browsing the site constitutes acceptance without reservation by the user of the stipulations herein.

Dixie Lab does its utmost to offer users information or tools that function properly, but it may not be held liable if it is not possible to access the site, if functionalities are not available, or in the event of viruses.

The Dixie Lab site is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The website publisher may not be held liable if the site is unavailable or if service is interrupted, whether intentionally or not, in particular for maintenance.

To this end, Dixie Lab may not be liable for any inconvenience or damage, direct or indirect, of any kind whatsoever, that may result from using the Internet, particularly any service disruption, external intrusion, or the presence of computer viruses. More generally, Dixie Lab offers no guarantees, explicit or implicit, relating to the whole or part of the website.

The user agrees to not commit any act that might compromise the IT security of the website or of the IT system, to not interfere with the normal functioning of the site, and to visit and use the site while respecting Dixie Lab’s rights and the potential rights of any third party.

Although the material published on this website by Dixie Lab has been proofread several times, it may contain errors. In the event of an error, any user may inform the company by contacting the following email address:

In addition, texts made available on the site may be subject to updates between the time that they are downloaded by a user and the time that the user consults them.

Therefore, Dixie Lab offers no guarantee whatsoever that this information is correct, complete or up to date.

4. Intellectual property

Taken together, the site’s contents, namely its structure, editorial content, texts, illustrations, photographs or images, audio, videos, etc. are protected as intellectual property in France and/or throughout the world.

In accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, the only authorized use of the site is consultation of its contents for private use, and no other use of the site is authorized, subject to other, potentially more restrictive provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Without prior, express, written authorization from Dixie Lab and/or from any other beneficiary, any other use or partial or total reproduction of these contents constitutes fraud and is punishable under intellectual property law.

As a result, the user undertakes to respect in a general sense the intellectual property rights to the various contents made available as part of the Service, and Dixie Lab may not be held liable in any event for any illicit use of the content made available to users by Dixie Lab through the site.

To this end, the user is responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by their use of the site.

Without prior, express, written authorization from Dixie Lab, users may not undertake the following actions as part of their use/consultation of the site; the list below is in no way exhaustive:

Creating archive files of the site’s content, reproducing, representing, using, or referencing all or part of the content, brands, logos, or distinctive signs of the site or the company, imitating the site’s content for any reason other than private use.

If these rules and guidelines are not followed, Dixie Lab reserves the right to ban the offending user and, where applicable, to undertake legal action to obtain redress for any damages incurred.

Dixie Lab may be required to divulge all content and/or information in order to conform with applicable laws or if, in good faith, Dixie Lab believes that such a measure is necessary, such as in the context of a legal proceeding, especially to respond to complaints and/or claims that the rights of a third party have been violated, in order to protect the rights and interests of Dixie Lab.

5. Using hyperlinks

Dixie Lab may not be held liable for the links made available on this site or for the contents of the third-party sites to which they lead.

6. Applicable law and legal jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by French law.

Any problem with interpreting or executing this legal notice falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court where Dixie Lab has its registered office.

7. Changes to the legal notice

Dixie Lab reserves the right to modify and update this legal notice without expressly informing users.

Users are therefore asked to consult the legal notice regularly.